Monday 4 December 2017

Research Catalogue

Research 1: The Guardian source I used is a valid and trustworthy source as it is government funded and the information produced by the Guardian was written by a man who has a history of writing for the Guardian. Jasper Jackson, is an assistant media editor of the Guardian.

I chose this source because because it supports my primary research in saying that there has been a rise in phone and tablet uses. 
Written by Jasper Jackson (2016) (UK).
Children spending more time online than watching TV for the first time(online)

Research 2: The BBC News is a British public service broadcaster which produces reliable information and this is trustworthy in terms of backing up my primary research. Written by Sean Coughlan (2016). Sean Coughlan is an award winning BBC News correspondent, writing for the BBC News website. Time spent online 'overtake TV' among youngsters. Available at

Research 3: Simon Leggett, (2016). Children 'spend more time online than watching TV'. Available at

Research 4: My last secondary research source is the CBBC newsround. This source displays valid information about children consumption. It also talks about the rise of tablets by young people and are also spending more time on Netflix. Written by Simon Leggett. Kids spend more time online than watching TV. Available at

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