2. My front cover page displays an image of a person whose
details has been stolen and the hacker behind the victim. My fonts, colour,
graphics and logos all relate to the idea of IDENTITY THEFT and by this I will
engage the reader, which is the audience of 13-16 years olds that this is a
very serious case. The font size will match the type of theme, which in this
case is crime and the colour will match the theme too, the colour will mainly
be dark and dangerous. I am engaging the reader by the layout of the magazine
and I am making it very conventional by the positioning of each text line, for
example: masthead, strapline, cover line, main cover line and etc.
4. My DPS page will consist of a conventional layout and
conventional text with a dominant image and other images as well. The page will
have the same colours as the text from the front cover page to correlate and
also it’ll have a correlation between the front cover background and the DPS
background and the other backgrounds. This will engage the attention of the
reader because of the layout and the design which will be appealing to the
eyes, and with the help of the pictures, in addition the information will
appeal in terms of having many statistics to make the reader aware of this
serious issue and will impact them.
Concerning the sourcing of my graphics, icons and additional images, itll be a mixture of sourcing them from the internet but ask permission to use it and i will design my own icons and additional images.
Information used to put in the DPS:
The crime of identity theft affects many people across the
UK. Criminals impersonate their victims in order to obtain money, goods,
services and other items by fraud.
The most common type of identity theft is financial identity
theft where criminals impersonate an individual’s identity to obtain money or
goods. Other types of this crime include business identity theft where
criminals clone your organisation for their financial profit. Less commonly
crooks may perpetrate criminal identity theft – adopting your identity when
apprehended for a crime, medical identity theft – in order to obtain medical
treatment in countries which require health insurance and finally identity
cloning. This last crime is thankfully rare and entails the criminal assuming
an individual’s everyday life by impersonating them.
Reassuringly, surveys show the money involved in identity
theft cases in recent years as down by two-thirds as agencies develop ever more
sophisticated methods to combat it and individuals become more savvy about
protecting their personal information. It is estimated to cost the UK over £1
billion per year.
CIFAS the UK’s Fraud Prevention Service records an average
75,000-80,000 cases a year of identity theft and takes action to protect over
65,000 individual victims of this insidious crime.
It takes victims of identity theft an average of between 3
and 48 hours to unravel the damage caused by identity theft with the worst
cases taking over 200 hours of work. It is estimated that police investigate
only the worst 1% of identity theft cases.
Benefit fraud alone through identity theft costs over
£800,000 per year.
Almost three-quarters of cases of worldwide reported
identity theft involve stolen bank or credit cards. You can find more
information about this in the ‘Personal Details’ area of About Identity Theft
but in brief the best way to tackle this commonest form of theft is to report
the loss of your card (or any suspicious activity on it) to the bank
immediately. It will then freeze the card so that no further transactions can
take place. If you report this in a timely manner then it is the bank and not
yourself who should absorb the costs of the fraudulent transactions.
Identity theft is becoming an increasingly common problem in
the United Kingdom, as fraudsters discover more and more ways to get hold of
the information which is required to steal someone’s identity.
Identity theft rarely involves the unauthorised taking of a
victim’s personal possessions, however it does involve the perpetrator of the
crime taking the victim’s personal information and then using this in an
unauthorised way for their own personal gain.
Any time that a criminal gets hold of a piece of your
information, and then uses that information for their own personal gain, it can
be considered to be identity theft. Criminals can even use seemingly harmless
pieces of information, such as your date of birth, to commit identity theft.
Many companies in the United Kingdom will ask you for your date of birth as
part of their verification process, so getting hold of your date of birth may
enable a criminal to access other information about you.
Once someone else gets hold of your personal information,
they are actually able to do a large amount of different things with the
information. The most common types of crime are ones which are considered to be
financial fraud, such as credit card fraud, bank fraud, tax rebate fraud,
benefit fraud and telecommunications fraud.
Identity thieves can also use your identity when they commit
other crimes, such as entering (or exiting) a country illegally, trafficking
drugs, smuggling other substances, committing cybercrimes, laundering money and
much more. In fact, they can use your identity to commit almost any crime
imaginable in your name.

Copyright is a legal right created by the law of a country
that grants the creator of an original work exclusive right for its use and
distribution. This is usually only for a limited time. It’s the exclusive and
assignable legal right, given to the originator for a fixed number of years, to
print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical
Concerning the copyright and clearance to my assets, each of my assets will need to be cleared by the owner. I will need the permission of the owner to use any of their product so that there are no illegal actions taken. This can save money because we would avoid being sued and fined. My text information assets will need to be cleared due to copy and pasting information from a website thats not owned by me, I will need to get permission to use their professional information to copy into your magazine to make it appealing to the audience. I will also need to get copyright for my images that I have copied from the internet, I will need to get permission from the owner and have license for using as many images as I need. Another copyright to consider are videos/music. Many issues in the past have concerned the copyright of music videos and have cost companies millions, having the clearance will enable me to use their music and videos legally.
Concerning the copyright and clearance to my assets, each of my assets will need to be cleared by the owner. I will need the permission of the owner to use any of their product so that there are no illegal actions taken. This can save money because we would avoid being sued and fined. My text information assets will need to be cleared due to copy and pasting information from a website thats not owned by me, I will need to get permission to use their professional information to copy into your magazine to make it appealing to the audience. I will also need to get copyright for my images that I have copied from the internet, I will need to get permission from the owner and have license for using as many images as I need. Another copyright to consider are videos/music. Many issues in the past have concerned the copyright of music videos and have cost companies millions, having the clearance will enable me to use their music and videos legally.
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